Bainbridge Reflex

A scientist named Francis Arthur Bainbridge reported this reflex in 1915 while experimenting on dogs. Bainbridge found that infusing blood or saline into the animal increased heart rate. This ...

Bezold-Jarisch Reflex

What is the Bexold-Jarish Reflex? The Bezold-Jarisch Reflex (BJR) is a cardioinhibitory reflex involving a marked increase in vagal (parasympathetic) efferent discharge to the heart, elicited by ...

Closing Volume and Spirometry


Where would I locate the closing volume and capacity in a spirometry diagram?


Typically, you cannot locate closing capacity (CC) or closing volume (CV) on a spirometry diagram ...

Opioids – Weak Acid or Weak Base


A question arose in a class about opioids and whether they are weak acids or weak bases from reading the following in Butterworth 7th ed.p.939:

“Albumin binds acidic drugs (e.g.

PDA, PFO and Fetal Circulation


If a neonate has a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), blood flows from the aorta to the pulmonary artery. Yet, a PDA is said to cause a right-to-left shunt. I don't understand this. Since I ...

Platelet Infusion Filter or Not?

Quick Platelet overview

Platelets are essential for adequate hemostasis and are transfused for platelet dysfunction or thrombocytopenia. Platelets are available as platelet concentrates, separated ...

Pulse Oximetry – Carboxyhemoglobin

Standard pulse oximetry aims to provide a noninvasive, in vivo, and continuous assessment of functional arterial oxygen saturation, SaO2. Estimates of SaO2 based on pulse oximetry are denoted as ...

Volatile Agents and CSF Dynamics


Will isoflurane increase the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and how does it influence the production of CSF?


Yes, isoflurane increases the absorption of CSF but ...